Happy New Year!  

Can you believe it's the year 2018? I sure can't. Where has the time gone? I know,  it's been a while since my last post, life just happens sometimes and can try to get the best of you. However, I'm here to let you know that I am a overcomer and I'm grateful that i didn't allow any of the obstacles I faced, stop me from pressing toward a brand new day and new beginnings!  I'm GRATEFUL!! How about you?!! I'm telling you I'm extremely excited to be back and blogging again. I hope you all missed me, as much as I've missed you!

Since this is my first blog post of the New Year, I'd thought I would share with you just a couple of new changes that i'm excited to be adding to Imani's Beauty Lounge. I know many of you who have been following me on social media know that majority of my content has been about beauty, such as make up, skin care,  beauty subscriptions etc. Beginning in a few weeks, I will now be adding on more topics and posts on my natural hair care journey! 

For some reason I never gave it a second thought to fully add hair care to Imani's Beauty Lounge. I may share once in a while a post on new products when I 've shared beauty Hauls, however never a playlist on simple hair care. I saw that there was a need and how plenty of my viewers or random women i've come across had a  intrest on how I care for my natural hair!

Lastly, I am stepping out and will be creating a separate blog for fashion and specifically Curvy fashion titled Imani's Curvy Style! Yes,!! I considered adding this all into Imani's Beauty lounge, however, the Vision I have for this is too great! I want it to have a separate platform just for this.  I've been asked often, where I purchased certain staple pieces such as, jeans, sweaters, dresses, skirts, etc. or where did I purchase a pair of earrings or tote bag and I realized now (although this has been going on for quite sometime) that people appreciate how I carry myself as a plus size woman and they seem to value my open and honest opinion.   And quite frankly, after looking at a  few curvy bloggers (one in particular), it motivated me to give it go and start sharing my favorite trends on Curvy Fashion as well. 

Eventually I'll have an amazing website where everything will be in one place Imani's Beauty Lounge, & Imani's Curvy Style Fashion!  This will include one blog that is tailord for all things Imani! I'm really excited about this. I truly love inspiring, motivating and encouraging women from all walks of life. Especially my younger generation.  So, yeah i'm going to stay prayerful and map all this out because I see so much happening with this soon to be Incredible Brand! y'all praying for your girl? Because I'm telling you , I'm totally stepping out of my comfort zone! So please pray and keep Imani's Curvy Style in your prayers this year, It's going to be bigger than the name! I decree and declare it! :-)

2018 is going to be one of the Best years of our lives! i know it may seem cliche' to speak these words, but i truly believe it!! And i pray that you do too!! :-)

Unitl next time, Stay Beautiful. Stay True.  God bless you!

Imani's Beauty Lounge



  1. I pray you enjoyed today's post. Be sure to spread the word and hey? Why don't you leave me a comment down below :-)


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